So today was the busy day I told you about yesterday. Melanie and I sat down and got right to work. We first researched some sample table of content and cover pages for inspiration for our magazine. We decided to draw a sketch of our vision. We want our title on the cover to be in a clean cut modern font but to also stand out so it doesn't get lost in the background. We want the background to be a colorful and beautiful view of the locations we have chosen which is New Orleans, Louisiana and Costa Rica (we changed from Miami). Melanie and I both went to Costa Rica over the summer but at different times and took the most amazing pictures which we cannot wait to use in our magazine. I travel to New Orleans so often I might as well buy a house there. I take beautiful pictures on my dads camera of parades during mardi gras and all the beautiful landscape which really embrace the culture of New Orleans.
After drawing the sketch of the cover, we tested out which title worked best, we have chosen Excursionist. We want the cover to be very clean so we chose to do three to four coverlines on each cover with a barcode at the bottom. The main topic/location of the magazine will be in a bigger font right underneath the masthead so readers know exactly what they will get when they look at the magazine. The main image will be a large picture of our choice from each of the places we have chosen.

Next, the Table of Contents. After getting inspiration through table of content templates, we found one that is perfect but decided to make a few changes to make it our own. There will be vertical lines with pictures in them with the page number at the end. The lines with pictures will be at the bottom of the left page and top of the right page. The right page ones will have a description of what the page is about. There will be two color bars going through the top and bottom to add some extra color. Our main goal is to have a visual attractive magazine and want it to be clean and grab the readers eye. Our next step is to gather all of our choices and make some big decisions on which pictures to use. Also to choose a two page spread topic and research some more about the locations we have chosen. More to come throughout the week!
“Designing the Perfect Table of Contents: 50 Examples to Show You How.” Design School, 6 Jan. 2016, designschool.canva.com/blog/table-of-contents-design/. Accessed 13 Mar. 2017.